Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Why Has My Duncan Hines Red Velvet Cake Shrunk
Seeing many are interested in 2012, today I bring you some interesting information that I found surfing the internet, I would recommend reading this information to inform themselves a bit more about the December 21, 2012
According Maya Long Count calendar, the December 21, 2012 is the end of this civilization. Human beings come into a new civilization, which has no relation to this. The Mayan people did not mention the cause. One thing is clear: the last day does not mean the arrival of any calamity, instead of this, implies a whole new cosmic awareness and a transition to the new spiritual civilization.
The Mayan people did not have the advanced technology we have today, but they were amazingly skilled in astrology and mathematics. In addition, there were many unsolved riddles. They had advanced routing systems, but did not use wheels. Therefore, they did not have to raise cattle and horses. However, they knew how to make wheels, and that after it was discovered that the Maya used wheels to make toys for their children.
They ornamented the door of the temple with images of the lunar dark side of the moon. At first the scientists were puzzled by the bosses, but then discovered that the pattern side was not visible from the moon, how could they see the Maya? The moon always faces the Earth with one side. Perhaps because of his unique wisdom given by the cosmic consciousness, the Mayans had their own system of cultivation or spiritual elevation. The Maya disappeared at the height of their civilization. The people of later times was not able to decipher the reason, even after exhaustive analysis.
In 1521, the English invaders found an empty town left by the Maya. The English destroyed most of the documents written by that civilization. The remaining three books are not sufficient to decode culture. Although the Maya disappeared behind a long time ago, the Long Count calendar remained. He predicts the end of the current civilization - December 21, 2012. Who left this prophecy?
According to Mayan Long Count calendar, the December 21, 2012 is the last day of the thirteenth Baktun. The Maya recorded this date as Let's first look at counting method of the Maya:
Number of days: Term
1: Kin (day)
20: Unial (20 is a key number in the Mayan calendar)
360: Tun
7200: Katun
This mechanism schematically depicted in the Mayan calendar consists of 365 days and 18 months.
For example, equals 6 baktun, 19 katun, 19 tun, 0 and 0 unial kin. The total is 6x144.000; 19x7.200; 19x360 = 1,007,640 days. is equal to 13x144.000 = 1,872,000 days, about 5125.36 years. According to J. Eric S. Thompson, Maya number is equivalent to Julian day number 584,283, ie 11 August 3114 BC So are 5125 years after that date, or December 21 2012.
Since the Maya were expert sky-watchers, scholars studied the sky that civilization future for the December 21, 2012 and realized the reason that the Maya identified this day as the last. This day will be a winter solstice. The sun will overlap exactly with the point of intersection of the ecliptic of the Milky Way and Ecuador.
At this point, the sun will be located in the cleft of the Milky Way. Or the Milky Way "sit" on Earth. It will be almost like opening a door to heaven to Earth.
In 755 AD a monk Maya predicted would occur after 1991 two major events: the cosmic consciousness of human beings and the purification and regeneration of the Earth. Of Indeed, the Maya called 20 years of the 13th Baktun (1992 to 2012) the period of "regeneration of the Earth" or "purification of the Earth."
often see clues to the future in unexpected places. People just ignore them. There is a similar prophecy in the back of a dollar bill. A seal is a pyramid. This pyramid has 13 layers. At the apex of the pyramid of 13 layers, there is a bright eye of wisdom. (The original design had a palm tree.) This implies the awakening of human beings after the 13th Baktun. "ANNUIT COEPTIS" means that the gods are watching our behavior. "Novus Ordo Seclorum" means the new order in the new era.
Today we live in a materialistic age. Modern people are concerned about the money, beauty, desire, pleasure, achievement, power and social status than anything else. People who are not interested in these things has to fight the dirty stream of life. Mental collapse because of these modern values \u200b\u200bis common. People become increasingly indifferent to evil, violence, wars, disasters, plagues, famine, terrorism and the madness of society. Few people realize that society is heading towards self-destruction.
In such a society, What force can purify the earth? Definitely not the forced control of the government's laws. Because the laws are written by people, laws are doomed to crack. Violators can avoid punishment by the status, relationships or money. In addition, laws can only punish behavior that is seen by others can not restrict people's hearts.
Then, the force behind the return to morality must come from the awakening of the people. Specifically, people should reflect upon itself. And there must be a number of them. But it is not easy to reflect on this society full of temptations and pressures. Not think get a large number of people to reflect on itself! If only a few people consider, the impact would be very limited. This could purify some individuals but not the Earth.
According to the Mayan calendar, the year 1992 is the first of 20 years in the 13th baktun. (20 years is a unial. The Mayan calendar calls for the past 20 years, "the period of purification of the Earth"). Among the main events in the past 10 years, only the emergence of Falun Gong, with its principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, can be considered as suitable to purify the Earth. And 1992 was the first year that Mr. Li Hongzhi introduced Falun Dafa to the public. In the short seven years from 1992 to 1999, growers in China reached a total of one hundred million.
Mr. Li Hongzhi has helped many farmers to cross the society full of temptations, taught them how to think about themselves. Is equivalent to "examine himself" in the terminology of the growers. Millions of people, improving themselves to compassion, may be considered as evidence of the "purification of the Earth."
In July 1999, the regime of Jiang Zemin began his brutal persecution. This event appeared to be coincidental, but it was unavoidable point of view of history. The occurrence of this incident proved the prophecy of Nostradamus. Nostradamus predicted in his book of prophecies "Centuries," a major event that happen in July 1999: the great king of terror would fall upon the Earth. This event was a major milestone. Marked the beginning of a battle between the righteous and the wicked. Most of his prophecies are not clear in time. However, for this event, he wrote the exact time: year 1999, seventh month.
The Mayans predicted thousands of years ago according to his reading of celestial objects: people who have awakened the sacred mission complete "purification of the Earth. " They said the December 21, 2012, human beings enter into a new civilization. By then, all have had their opportunities, perhaps more than to reflect on themselves and form their own judgments.
Source: http://www.lagranepoca.com/articles/2007/04/04/350.html
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