Monday, September 6, 2010

Bmw 2010 328ilicense Plate

how the youngest driver suffered African

Victoria Child of only 4 years and 6 months passed with honors and attended the course of managing the Pilot School-Lubricants Easykart Gulf, held Sunday at the kart track of Kart Way, located at Centro Comercial Bima, in northern Bogota.

Other than the figures of the pilot's course was Samuel Rodriguez, a 5 years and 6 months, who was noted for its excellent handling, in the words of Martin Chambers, chief instructor of the school.

In the fifth year of the Pilot School also graduated Easykart Paola Callejas, Jaime Bernal, Javier Diaz, who is noted for its speed on the track.

The next course will be held on 2 and 3 October at the kart track in Bima.


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