P or course, she reminds me that the blog's birthday today, four already, and I'm flying but by other concerns. Speculate on what movie is going to take the Oscar and what book should start reading after finishing the current. Valid concerns, all worthy of too much information and how to access things. I think of the work as unfinished projects in the motor that moves all souls, in the stumbling, in the few visits I get on the blog, comparable to which I make to other related topics.
A week ago the snow falls as if the sky that contains it had cracked. Today we expect more and going out is like going on tour. I took some pictures and this will be the role that decorate this note. Here everyone is entertained and out, even at the risk of slipping on ice. That attitude is enviable. Mi barrio (neighborhood) is a young neighborhood, alert, subtle, sharp, eager to get things done. It breathes the worship of the day to day, confidence in what they do and have fun. The girls are covered without losing the elegance and move around the city.
I re-read what was posted when the coffee meet the first year. It is the best proof that what surrounds us makes us susceptible to certain things and when they happen we walk away from them like we never had belonged. I say this because I realize that what I wrote then seems a stroke of others. Do not talk about better or worse, speak of having belonged to that moment in which I wrote what I wrote, a cluster of sensations which have now been grouped differently.
Semplicemente grazie!
Photos: © Piazzesco
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